Romantic Words

I’ve been making a lot of blank journals recently. I design the hardback covers using vintage and upcycled fabric because I am an unashamed lover of all things fabric — the patterns, the colors, the styles, the bits and pieces I find as I’m digging through my large, very large, fabric stash and geek out on — like, really geek out on (My husband thinks it’s funny).

Some of the words I’ve been using to describe my asethetic style of journals and the fabric I use are Nostalgic, Whimsical and Rustic.

I’ve also been using words like Keepsake, Memories, Moments, Thoughts, Ideas and Reflections to describe the journals themselves and what they can be used for and why.

I’m also a big fan of the word Ephemera.

But what do all these words mean? I like these words, and I really do believe they describe my book art asethetic, but what is the meaning behind them?

First off, to me, they are romantic words.

I like the connotation of the word Nostalgic/Nostalgia as it speaks of an era gone by, or how it brings up a memory from when I was younger and I like the feeling that memory gives me. Nostalgia is a feeling. It’s a feeling I like and I want to keep. It’s a romantic feeling too, and gives me a sense of peace and calm inside, and even a sense of thankfulness for the life I’ve lived.

Maybe I am a hopeless romantic. Maybe I am sentimental.

Maybe there is no ‘maybe’ about it, it’s just who I am.

I don’t want to live my life caught up in the past. I want to enjoy the present and look forward to the future with anticipation and hope.

Side note: I’ve been reading the book ‘Creating Time’ by Marney K. Makridakis and it has given me a LOT to think about in regards to time. I was discussing the aspect of time and timing in our lives with my husband the other day; how time is weird…it goes fast, it goes slow, it just goes, how the past and present mingle together and Adam said, ‘There is no present. The present is just an illusion’. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think he’s right.

But these words — Nostaglic, Whimsical, Keepsake…they may be romantic…but what else?

I’m going to also going to admit that I’m a word nerd, so this is a Word Nerd post and I’m not sorry. The meaning of words, the thought behind them, can be powerful. Words can bring life and health and healing to our mind, body and soul; they can also wound our hearts and hurt and tear down our self-esteem.

I believe the words that I’ve been using to describe my journals are positive words, that bring a sense of wholesomeness and goodness and even a feeling of safety and warmth to our souls.

Whimsical — I had a roommate who loved this word. I once had cut out of a magazine a picture of a big wooden canopy bed that was in the middle of a forest; she saw it and immediately used the word ‘Whimsical’. I agreed with her.

Whimsy (Whimsical, whimsically, whimsicality, whimsicalness) can mean something that is playful or fanciful, maybe even a little impulsive, as in ‘doing something on a whim’.

Now I, myself, am not a person who indulges in whims on a regular or frequent basis — I’m too practical! — but I do like the idea of something that is playful, fanciful, free-spirited and carefree.

In Webster’s New World Dictionary it gives the definition of Whimsy as ‘Full of or characterized by whimsy; quaintly, playfully, or gently humorous.’ I like that.

Nostalgic – When I Googled the word nostalgic this was the first definition that came up: ‘A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal assocations.’

Another definition I found was, ‘Feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past’.

In essence, nostalgia can be termed as a bittersweet longing for the past.

In my personal opinion nostalgia is a good and pleasant feeling, but if we dwell on the past too much we can become dissatisfied with our present circumstances. Looking back and knowing where we came from and how we operate can give us a sense of purposefulness in our life, but living in the past, especially in our minds, can ultimately be dissatisfying and disrupting to our souls, taking away the joy of the illusive present moment we live in.

Rustic – Ah, yes. I love this word. Synonyms can be: homespun, plain, simple, homely. I like to think of the word rustic as something that is wholesome. It can also mean something that is ‘related to the country or rural’.

Who doesn’t think of something that is plain, simple and homespun when thinking of the rural countryside dotted with white farmhouses shaded by trees and a well-used barn nearby?

Style-wise the word rustic can be used to term something that is natural, rough, worn, well-loved, aged, unsophisticated or casual.

Color-wise, I typically think in terms of rustic colors being deep reds and deep oranges, burgundy, and all shades of brown. Very fall and autumn feeling.

Keepsake – I didn’t think of my journals in terms of being a ‘keepsake journal’ until recently. But they are. They are well-made and handstitched and not something you’re going to take your precious time to write in, draw in, sketch in and paste items in and then just toss. At least, that’s not the thought behind them. The journals are meant to be kept. They’re meant to become a record of your life and things you want to remember. They’re meant to help you process your life, your special moments and your daily emotions. Which is all summed up in the word ‘keepsake’.

One definition of keepsake I found was, ‘something that helps you remember a person, place or occasion.’ Hence, a ‘keepsake journal’ can help you remember people, places and special occasions in your life.

Keepsake could also be thought of as memento or memorabilia, which is closely connected to the word we looked at earlier, nostalgia.

Ephemera – This is somewhat of a new word to me, but again, I think it’s a romantic sounding word.

What is ephemera? One definition I found was, ‘Items of collectible memorabilia, typically written or printed ones, that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity.’

From the Ephemera Society of America the definition of ephemera is, ‘vintage printed or written items which originally served some specific purpose and were not expected to be retained or preserved, but which are now cherished.’

Think ticket stubs, program books, train tickets, newspaper clippings, notes, magazine articles, etc. Ephemera is typically thoughts of as items made from paper.

Apparently the word Ephemera comes from the Greek word ephēmeros, which means ‘lasting only a day’.

In context of how the word ephemera plays into the keepsake journals I’ve been making there is a contrast. The journals are meant to be a place where you can store, ie, keep, the ephemera of your life, the short-lived paper items of your daily life, handwritten notes, cards, ticket stubs, articles, bits and bobs and turn it into a memorable collection of a life well-lived. These paper items may not mean anything to anyone else, but to you they give the feeling of nostalgia, wholesomeness and goodness that your life is, and has been, a meaningful lifefull of purpose and intention. Or maybe these small items they just give you joy and that is enough.

So there you have it, folks. Some word nerd definitions and a post on words that I think are romantic and describe the journals I’ve been making. You can find these nostalgic, rustic and whimsical journals oin my Etsy shop; find link here. Also, let me know what you think by commenting on this post below!

(Note: The Beatles song, ‘In my Life‘… has been running in my head as I’ve been writing this. ‘There are places I remember…’)

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